5 Business Trends to look out for in 2019

Business trends determine how one structures and plan their business strategies. Typically, most small or big businesses usually take reactive measures towards their business plans for the year, rather than proactive measures. When you implement certain trends, it is important you do so while they are still novel, any delayed implementation will only lead to epileptic results. What all of these mean is that you have to be quick in knowing and implementing the latest business trends if you want to gain competitive advantage.

2019, offers a fresh start to business owners and entrepreneurs and an avenue to make adequate plans for the year. With that said, business operations don’t occur in isolation, and trends are changing constantly. It doesn’t matter if the changes in trends occur in marketing, technology, and so on, business owners need to know the right changes to implement in 2019.

With that said, we’ve created a list of vital business trends that entrepreneurs need to have a successful 2019. These trends will be essential to various business models, and they will play a key role in the coming years.

Let’s check out the 5 Business Trends to look out for in 2019.

1. Consumers will turn more to Voice search

SEO will always play a vital role in any business strategy. The ease with which your business can be found on search engines will greatly affect how you attract customers, and ultimately your revenue stream.

Even searches have now transcended text searches alone. More users are now leaning towards voice searches for convenience purposes. You should make your business search engine optimized for text, and voice searches. In 2019, voice search will make up for more than 50% of all searches.

2. Social Media will continue to rise

Reports indicate that more than 90% of businesses spent more resources on social media business strategies in 2018 than in 2017. That figure will continually rise, as more businesses try to take advantage of the opportunities social media guarantees. 2019 will build on the foundation laid already.

Social media offers significant potential for entrepreneurs to connect and engage with their customer base in an efficient way. Take advantage of the advertising opportunities social media services like Instagram provides. Market analysts projects that revenue from Instagram will exceed $10 billion in 2019

3. Content Marketing becomes even more needful

Most entrepreneurs and small businesses owners do not take content marketing seriously. In fact, a study showed that in 2018, more than 75% of businesses did not invest in content marketing. However, content marketing will continue to play a vital role in lead generation, customer acquisition, as well as customer acquisition. In 2019, businesses can make giant strides in their business plans by implementing a practical content marketing approach. Pay attention more to what your customers want, and tailor your strategy to meet with their demands.

4. Businesses will need to adapt to modern customer

Customers and clients in 2019 will have a variety of choices more than they’ve ever had. Customers are now inclined to businesses that offer responsive customer support, fast delivery, and personalized service. It doesn’t matter what service the business is offering; if it doesn’t meet the demands of the customer, it will lose a competitive advantage. Businesses in 2019 should offer intuitive user experience and user-friendly practices if they want to attain their respective business goals.

5. Cloud is the way to go

Businesses that do not embrace cloud practices in 2019 will be left behind. Research shows that businesses that adopt cloud technologies grow more than 20% faster than businesses that don’t. Such businesses attract more customers because of their streamlined and fast services, and as such, attract a significant ROI.

Final thoughts

Make use of these business trends in 2019 to achieve competitive advantage.

Useful links for reference:

Biggest Business Trends in 2022

Trends that will shape business education in 2022

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