Can the new technology of education replace the teachers?

Technology vs Teachers

It is well-known that technology is replacing almost everything in this modern era. 

In the digital age, paper books have been replaced by e-books and PDFs, and pens have been replaced by software. Can this modern technology replace teachers? Will this technology mature enough to teach children the way virtual teachers do? Will it eliminate the need for human teachers? 

Absolutely not. Technology is only an adjunct to teachers. It can support the learning process but cannot replace the role of the teacher.

Having online resources available to students, what does a teacher need to do anymore? After the popularity of online learning, discussions began on this topic.  

In addition, computers have also become more common in classrooms. Social media is growing in learning environments, and many learning apps are available for children. 

Now let’s talk about some points from the other side of the argument. Technology is very helpful in the learning environment, but it has not completely taken over the role of the teacher.

Technology makes learning at home easier, but teachers provide that education. Online courses also require teachers to deliver lectures through videos, tutorials, Skype sessions, and more. Children need to learn computers to operate these online sessions. Of course, these are taught by teachers.

It’s not just about imparting knowledge that teachers do

Students need teachers to guide them in learning practical science, technology, engineering, arts, and mechanical skills. Additionally, technology cannot teach these human skills, so children need teachers to learn critical skills such as decision-making, time management, and more.

Neither advanced technology nor intelligent computer programs or products can match the knowledge provided by a teacher. Studies have repeatedly shown that teachers can bring about changes that technology cannot.

Effective teachers encourage independent thinking and independent learning. They can be positive influencers and motivate others to set and achieve goals. The bond between teachers and students creates the perfect learning environment, which can never be achieved with virtual learning.

Even parents often fail to convey all the values ​​that teachers effortlessly do. The importance of teachers should not be underestimated, especially with young children.

It is imperative to remember that teachers are not mere transmitters of knowledge. Teachers also act as guides, mentors and inspirations for their students. Any technology cannot replace this role. Given critical skills such as decision-making and time management, children need teachers because technology cannot teach these human skills.

Technology plays a supporting role, but teachers bring it all together. Technology is certainly changing how students learn, but it cannot replace teachers. Quality teachers create a classroom culture that motivates students and puts them on the path to success. Technology cannot inspire people, help them fight, fight back, or help them rise. Yes!

If you are looking for some teacher training course, the below link can help.

Best Teacher Education Courses

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Can Technology in Education Replace Teachers

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