Celebration of Success – Exeed College Winter Graduation – El Exito 2021


Applause, cheering and congratulatory wishes rang through the ballroom of W Hotel in Palm Jumeirah where Exeed College celebrated hundreds of students for El Exito 2021, Winter Graduation ceremony.

For the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the commencement was in-person with a limited capacity. About 400 students from more than 50 countries; 126 MBA, 124 EDBM, 121 PGCEI, and 40 CACHE Diploma graduates were celebrated for their accomplishment.

Dr. Vivek Mohan, Associate Dean presented Welcome Address for the dignitaries, graduates, parents and guests. He reflected that “Exito, a spanish word for “success” is the result of sacrifice, perseverance, determination and hard work”.

During his key note speech, Mr. Firoz Thairinil , CEO of Westford Education Group emphasizes on the importance of continuing education and lifelong learning to a professional life. In his discussion, he mentions exponential rate of change which the 4th industrial revolution demands can lead to a lack in knowledge and skills for professionals due to rapidly changing modern tech industries and where education in these industries are fast paced as well, it is vital for professionals to remain as re-skilled as possible. As such, continuing education is a necessity for all types of professionals from doctors to business people in order to keep up with the demand of today’s society. He instilled within the graduates coming from all over the world to not let go of their desire to keep learning, their will to keep themselves updated and their vision to lead themselves and their communities to steer forward towards a bright future.

Prof. Anil Ahluwalia, Academic Director, shared four personal anecdotes of opportunity, failure, persistence and passion which brought motivation and determination among the graduates.

Mr. Jose Luis Mendonza, Director of Institutional Relations, Catholic University of Murcia, Spain in his brief congratulatory message emphasised the importance of support from family and friends behind the success of every graduate. He further added the ultimate goal of education is to provide selfless service to others and the contentment thus received.

Dr. Gonzalo De Bobadella, Dean of the faculty of Business and Law, UCAM in his graduation message conveyed best wishes on behalf of UCAM University to all the graduates. He added that the future looks bright as the graduates would be the torch bearers ever ready to tackle any challenges.

Mr. Ernesto Garcia, the corporate partnerships manager, UCAM University in his congratulatory speech inspired the graduates to leave an indelible mark behind in the world and light the path ahead for many others to follow suit.

In his celebratory message, Liverpool John Moores University, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Dr. Joe Yates, congratulated the graduates on achieving their degrees and appreciating their hard work, dedication and commitment. He quoted William Jennings Bryan, “In life, faith is the card that you are dealt with; destiny is how you play them”

On behalf of Liverpool John Moores University, Mr. Steve Waterworth, Head of International Partnerships and Dr. Ceri Daniels, Co- Director and Head of Professional Learning and Enterprise, delivered their felicitation online via a video message as they could not grace the occasion with their valuable presence in light of the travel restrictions in effect.

Ms. Poonam Heryni, Head of Teacher Education and Qualification encouraged the class of 2021 to make it the mission of their lives – never be discouraged, never hold back and give everything you’ve got—Surge Forward.  She said while much has changed in the world over the year gone by, Exeed College is proud to see that the next generation of educators are well prepared to help overcome the challenges of both today and tomorrow and to find solutions that will transform our educational landscape for the better.

Mr. Aneesh Soni, a graduate of MBA in Operations and Project Management in his acceptance speech inculcated within the minds of the fellow graduates to carve their own niche in the ever dynamic world and create an unforgettable future in the process.

Dr. Frithi Herbert, Magne Cum Laude winner of PGCEi in her valedictory address offered felicitations to the fellow graduates for keeping their eyes fixed on their goals and achieving them in these trying times. She also quoted Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, : “Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let your sleep” and urged to “go ahead and build your dreams because if you don’t, someone else will hire you to build their dream”.

After the official felicitations, the graduates duly received their degrees in the presence of family and friends.

Ms. Joanne Jordan accepted the Magne Cum Laude for receiving highest marks and Ms. Laetitia Mukeshimana accepted the Best dissertation award for MBA.

Mr. Aneesh Soni was given special recognition award for outstanding service to Exeed Student Council.

Dr. Frithi Herbert, Mr. Thomas Nelson, Ms. Kerry Niccholls and Ms. Sandy Lee were also given the Magne Cum Laude awards for PGCEi.

After the ceremony, Mr. Irfan Shaikh and Mr. Arshad Ashraf, along with Mr. Shahid Wani and Ms. Salma Yehia hosted a variety of entertainment and games to keep the audience lively. Ms. Rajasri K.N. hosted the entire evening as an MC.

Students and guests made the evening theirs. It was their time to celebrate. They threw the hats in style and gathered to take group photos in their graduating attire. The night ended on a musical note. DJ played hit dance songs from around the globe. Students and guests shook their legs to the tune.

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