Master of Education

A respected postgraduate qualification, enabling you to specialize academically in education or further your career in education.

Program Overview

The Master of Education is a respected postgraduate qualification, enabling you to specialize academically in education or further your career in education, another career of your choice. The course is open to teachers, educators, and trainers in schools, higher education institutions, or any learning organization in core areas of philosophy, sociology, management, curriculum, psychology, instructional technology, and evaluation.

The Master of Education or M.Ed programme aims to provide a critical and analytical framework for students to engage with academic concepts, theories, debates and research in the multidisciplinary study of education in the globalised world. To equip students with a critical awareness of key theoretical debates and issues, enabling them to develop a critical understanding, evaluation and ethical position in relation to education and social justice issues. To provide a range of learning activities and experiences as a critical context for intellectual development enabling students to critically engage with research in a way that is applicable and relevant to their own academic and practice context.

Learning objectives:

Course Duration​

1 Year

Awarding Body

City University, Malaysia

Program Modules

EVERY student must complete at least 40 credit hours to be awarded the Master of Education through programme structure as below

Project Paper (7 Credit Hours)

Specialisation Modules

5. Early Childhood Education

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    Understanding of research methods in education is essential to enable educators to conduct research in the classroom. Discussion focuses on experimental research methodologies, the survey method and correlational methodologies. Various kinds of experimental research designs are introduced together with the procedure for conducting a survey. The design and development of instruments and issues relating to reliability and validity are discussed. The research process is discussed in detail which includes identification of the research problem, how to do a literature review, sampling techniques and ethics involved in educational research. In the final part of the course, the writing of the research report is discussed.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to:

    • Identify the characteristics and principles of educational research.
    • Differentiate between the types of experimental designs.
    • Identify the steps involved in survey research methodology.
    • Apply the techniques of quantitative data analysis.
    • Critique research in education and write a review of the literature. 

    The course explores the various definitions of curriculum and instruction, followed by discussion on how philosophical beliefs, psychological perspectives, societal demands and the legacy of history impacts the curriculum. Next, the curriculum development process is discussed with particular emphasis on curriculum planning, curriculum design, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. Finally, the course focuses on the issues and future trends in curriculum development in the context of 21 century education.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to:

    • Describe the curriculum development process and instruction.
    • Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the three models of curriculum development.
    • Explain steps involved in curriculum planning and implementation in schools.
    • Compare the three evaluation models used in evaluating a curriculum. 
    • Explain models curriculum.

    The course examines the ideas and thoughts of both Western and Eastern philosophers and how they have influenced educational aims, instructional methods and educational content. The five traditions of Western philosophy namely, essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, reconstructionism and existentialism are examined in detail because of their impact on many education systems today. The ideas and thoughts of ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, Middle Eastern philosophers such Al-Ghazali, Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina, Indian philosophers such as Tagore and Vivekananda, Far Eastern philosophers such as Confucius, Mencius and Obara; European philosophers such as Locke, Kant and Rousseau; and American philosophers such as Dewey and Peres are discussed The objective is to present similar and dissimilar thoughts on the practices by which educators seek to impart knowledge and develop human capacities. The student is challenged to build a philosophy of education that will determine his or her educational systems, curricula and goals.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to:

    • Explain philosophy and educational philosophy.
    • Describe ideas and thoughts of philosophers who have made major contributions in influencing current educational practices.
    • Compare the similarities and differences between Western and Eastern philosophies of education. 
    • Discuss how philosophy influences classroom teaching. 
    • Formulate personal educational philosophy which will influence your teaching. 

    The course critically explores research approaches, and ethics. The course will take a step-by-step approach to develop students’ knowledge, skills and understanding on design and implementation of quantitative, qualitative & mixed Method research designs. The course will prepare students with the skills necessary to conduct secondary research designs, including critical reviews and systematic reviews.  The course will also help students to develop the skills to recognize and reflect on the strengths and limitations of different research methodologies and address ethical and practical issues in research.  

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Critically analyse research methodologies and methods suited to educational research.
    • Examine the ethical dimensions of research practice.
    • Critically reflect upon the intellectual and physical resource implications of effective research design                          
    • Critically explore the relevance of existing theory and evidence base to research design.

    Specialization Modules

    1. Instructional Design And Technology (15 Credit Hours)

    Foundation of Instructional Design

    Module Description 

    This course will discuss history of the development of instructional technology in Malaysia and abroad, several definitions of instructional technology, the functions of its domains and its application in education and training. The discussion also includes psychological foundations of instructional technology relationship between instructional technology and ICT, distance learning and online learning and future trends and challenges in the field of instructional technology.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Synthesize theory and research associated with learning at the master’s level. 
    • Critically analyze key theoretical frameworks and concepts in adult learning. 
    • Critically evaluate professional development needs in relation to master’s study.
    Research in Instructional Design

    In this course, students review theoretical propositions and empirical investigations in instructional technology. Focus is on the specific areas such as web-based learning, computer-assisted instruction, technology rich learning environments, distance education, online teaching and so forth. The research that is examined range from investigations in early childhood education until higher education; involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. Each research work is examined in terms of the current thinking in the field, the methodology employed, the sample, the analysis of data, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations for further research. Students are required to determine the changing research trends in the field and identify the current thinking which will open up opportunities for their investigation of an area in the Project Paper.


    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Determine current thinking and research in instructional technology.
    • Identify journals and other sources of information on research in instructional technology.
    • Relate findings of research in instructional technology towards enhancing effectiveness of classroom practice.
    • Identify a research area for their Project Paper
    Research in Instructional Design

    There is increasing recognition of the need for training in specific management skills for professionals taking on the complex responsibilities of management in schools, especially in 21st century education. This course will address leadership models and styles, identify and develop the knowledge and skills necessary to manage technology-based teams effectively in schools. Focus is on concepts of technology-based learning, technology planning, technology infrastructure, curriculum integration, best practices in online instruction, technology standards, legal and security issues, and staff professional development. At the end of the course, learners will produce an educational technology plan for school learning improvement.


    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Explain leadership concept and power.
    • Develop strategies for change in an educational or training organization.
    • Explain the concept of technology-based education.
    • Plan and manage technology-based learning.
    • Integrate technology in curriculum and instruction and discuss issues and challenges in technology-based education.
    Principles of Instructional Design

    The course examines the basic principles upon which most of the models and procedures in the instructional design field are built. It presents a comprehensive treatment of the instructional design process, including analysis, strategy design, assessment, and evaluation. Emphasis is on the theory, research, and the use of cognitive psychology in designing instructional strategies.  They prepares students to design and develop a course, unit and module of instruction. It outlines the nine stages of the instructional design process and integrates current research and practice in the movement towards performance systems technology. Also emphasized is the social and context of learning, learner-centered principles and the adoption of new technologies and environments.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Explain what instructional design is.
    • Identify the types of learning. 
    • Explain the various steps of the instructional design process.
    • Compare the nine events proposed by Gagne.
    • Design lessons using the ID procedure proposed.
    Web-Based and Distance Learning

    Web based learning or eLearning, or online learning is the delivery of content via the web. The course examines the principles of developing web-based learning focusing on the principles of instructional science. Students also review the range of tools and technologies required for the implementation of web-based learning and how to use these tools. Most importantly are the human factors involved in web-based learning and how to encourage online participation and motivate learners to be interested learning in a virtual environment. The course also examines the principles of testing and the tools available for incorporating online testing.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Justify the use of web-based learning. 
    • Explain the procedures involved in developing web-based learning.
    • Determine the tools and technologies required for we-based learning. 
    • Identify the skills required in the virtual classroom. 
    • Determine the principles for promotion of online collaboration.

    2. Special Education (15 Credit Hours)

    Development in Special Education

    This course reveals some of the foundations and history of special education. It also discusses the current and challenges of special education in analyzing the components and characteristics of special education. It provides a comprehensive discussion of special education from across the globe.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Discuss the origin and the history of special education.
    • Explained the different characteristics, components developments and teacher’s role.
    • Evaluate the comparison of special education globally. 
    • Evaluate issues and challenges related to the impact of children of special needs
    Curriculum and Assessment of Special Education

    This course focuses on the use of assessment instruments to identify the learning ability of children with special needs curriculum for children with special needs. Remedial foundation according to degree of severity of adaptation of educational practices will be discussed according to learning needs.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 

    • Describe different types of special education and its development.
    • Analysed special education in early years and other programmes with assertive technology.
    • Comparison the types of assessment and assessing learning of special education.
    • Application of the assessment, intervention, labeling and categorization methods including inclusion in the classroom.


    Teaching Strategies for Special Education

    This course reveals some of the theories and teaching strategies practiced in the education of children with special needs. Students will also be exposed to theories and teaching strategies practiced in Malaysia. Discussions also focused on issues related to teaching strategies and facilities available in schools as well as measures to improve the approach adopted in education for children with special needs.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this modules, students should be able to:

    • Analyze teaching theories for children with special needs.
    • Apply appropriate, accurate and clear teaching theories and methods.
    • Create approaches and strategies to improve academic achievement and social of children with special needs.
    • Evaluate issues and challenges related to teaching and learning of children with special needs.
    Behavior Management for Special Education

    This course aims to introduce to students the forms and problems in behaviors.  Theories and models on behavioral management will be discussed such as psychoanalysis and humanity theories, cognitive and behaviors.  Students will be exposed to skills in utilizing techniques in modifying student behavioral management based on the models and theories.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 

    • Describe different methods and approaches of managing behaviour.
    • Apply appropriate principles and strategies for different profiles of behavioural needs.
    • Evaluate the implications that behavioural challenges have for learning.
    • Create an appropriate intervention plan for pupils with behavioural needs.
    Research in Special Education

    In this subject, students review theoretical propositions and empirical investigations in teaching special education; The research that is examined range from investigations in special education until higher education; involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. Each research work is examined in terms of the current thinking in the field, the methodology employed, the sample, the analysis of data, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations for further research. Students are required to determine the changing research trends in the field and identify the current thinking which will open up opportunities for their investigation of an area in the research.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 

    • Interpret information in research proposals through understanding and advancing educational thinking through multiple disciplines.
    • Demonstrate abilities and skills in research.
    • Formulate the rationale of a research proposal through sharing by presentation and scholarly writing.

    3. Educational Psychology

    Life Span Development

    The course is a story of human beings and how they get to be the way they are. It deals with the interplay of biological, sociological and psychological forces in human development. It outlines the issues surrounding the notion of development and some of the work of key theorists such as Erikson, Levinson and Gould.  It covers the range of human existence from its beginnings at conception to its inevitable ending at death. It deals with ideas and concepts and theories, but one that above all has at its heart people.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon of this module, students should be able to: 

    • Explain the cognitive development of human through their life span. 
    • Trace the development of humans from a sociological, psychological and biological perspective.
    • Critically evaluate the various theories explaining the development of humans
    • Apply the ideas discussed to teaching and learning
    Brain and Cognition

    The course introduces students to the neural basis of cognition and learning. It examines the biological structure of the brain, focusing on the neural structure and function. It examines the latest theories and findings on the cognitive functioning of the brain; including vision, attention, memory, speech and language and emotional behaviour. Emphasis is on the implication of understanding of the brain and teaching learning practice in the classroom.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 

    • Explain the biological structure of the brain.
    • Identify the relationship between the biology of the brain and cognitive functioning.
    • Critically evaluate the relationship between the brain and attention, memory, speech, language and emotions.
    • Apply understanding of how the brain works to educational settings
    Research in Educational Psychology

    In this course, students review theoretical propositions and empirical investigations in educational psychology. Some of the areas of focus include; learning, thinking skills, individual differences, behaviour modification, memory, motivation, creativity and so forth. The research that is examined range from investigations in early childhood education until higher education; involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. Each research work is examined in terms of the current thinking in the field, the methodology employed, the sample, the analysis of data, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations for further research. Students are required to determine the changing research trends in the field and identify the current thinking which will open up opportunities for their investigation of an area in the Project Paper.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 

    • Identify the research method used in educational research
    • Determine current thinking and research in learning, cognition, human development, thinking skills, individual differences and early childhood.
    • Relate findings of research in educational psychology to teaching and learning in the classroom
    • Identify an area for research in the Project Paper
    Psychology of Learning

    The course begins with discussion on what is psychology and the origin of psychology as a discipline. This is followed by examination of different explanations of human learning, focusing on three main learning theories namely; behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism. Though the three theories explain learning differently; together they provide a more comprehensive view of how humans learn. The course also discusses the role of motivation in learning and individual learning differences. All the concepts, principles and theories of learning are examined in relation to their application in the classroom. Students are encouraged to discuss the implication of the various theories in teaching and learning at all levels of education. The final part of the course deals with finding ways of translating the theories discussed into teaching methods that will enhance learning.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Discuss the concept of psychology of learning.
    • Explain the behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism theories of human learning.
    • Critically evaluate the effectiveness of the Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism theories in explaining individual differences in learning.
    Social Psychology

    Through this module students learn the scope and range of psychology in its application to life and the relevance of psychological theories, principles, and techniques. Through the study of psychological theory and practice students begin to develop conceptual frameworks to appreciate and understand the dynamics of human behavior. They explore the meaning of scientific methods in psychology and undertake minor research experiments to appreciate the methodology and practice of psychology and its role in the behavioral and social sciences. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts and techniques of psychology and evaluate research findings relating to specific issues in psychology.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    • Describe the role of psychology in various areas of life. 
    • Discuss the basic terminology and concepts of psychological theory.
    • Evaluate behavioral differences and apply learning psychology in the teaching and learning processes.

    Learning Outcomes

    Live & interactive lectures by expert faculties

    Recorded session for offline viewing

    World-class curriculum by eminent faculty

    Regular webinars by industry leaders

    Assignments for module assessments

    Easy-to-use LMS accessible anywhere

    Online library to further enhance your knowledge

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    Alexandros Spyridonis

    MBA in Health and Safety Leadership

    I extend my gratitude to Exeed College for all the support the team has given me to achieve this degree. Thank you Exeed Team. I am very happy and excited for the exciting experience…
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    Anesh Soni

    MBA in Operations and Project Management

    My journey with Exeed was very exciting. I am very lucky to be benefitted from the several of the opportunities I got from Exeed College. I have started off with the Project Management….
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    Armila Devi Ramasawmy

    MBA in Global Banking and Finance

    I have banking experience of more than 30 years. I work in Mauritius. I have started my MBA in Global Banking and Finance just after the world pandemic. I can say the faculty..
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    Imad Abou Antoun

    MBA Health and Safety Leadership

    I will start with the professors and teachers in Exeed College. They have exceptional ability in making students comprehend the most complex of concepts. I have had many personal experiences where the tutors…
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    Joeward Tawanda

    MBA in Health and Safety Leadership

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Exeed College for all the support the team has given me to achieve this degree. It has been a challenging journey for me But with the help of Exeed College…
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    Johnpaul Uzonwa

    MBA in Health and Safety Leadership

    I am an HSE professional working in Abu Dhabi. I graduated from UCAM University with an MBA in Health and Safety Leadership. This was made possible through Exeed College. I have been studying in Exeed College…

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    • Approved by World Education Services (WES)
    • Also, listed under World Higher Education Database (WHED) – a portal, in collaboration with UNESCO, provides information on higher education systems.
    • 2010 – Upgraded to a ‘University College’ status and named City University College of Science and Technology
    • 1998 – Acquired by Selia Group and was rebranded as Unity College International (UCI) SELIA Group
    • 1984 – Established as Petaling Jaya Community College (PJCC) offering American Degree programmes, Technical and Corporate Training

    According to the Malaysian government’s SETARA ratings of Malaysian universities, City University is rated as 4-Star or ‘Very Good’.

    Program Faculty

    Online MBA
    Salma Yehia
    Salma Yehia
    Salma Yehia is a lecturer and research analyst in the areas of Marketing and Business Studies with extensive 7-year experience in academia. She started her teaching career as a lecturer in Egypt at the German University in Cairo (GUC) and has proved herself as a valuable faculty in various domains especially Marketing and Strategic Management. She is also experienced in other business studies as Human Resource Management, International Business, Strategic Leadership, and Business Sustainability. Alongside Salma has professional research experience and has excelled as a Research Assistant on numerous fieldwork research projects in Egypt, Germany, and UAE. Salma holds an MSc in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing from the GUC. And is currently pursuing her PhD degree at Phillips-University in Marburg; with a thesis titled “The effect of living in a sustainable city on sustainable consumption: a comparative analysis between Germany and UAE”. Her research interests lie in the areas of international marketing, sustainability, consumer psychology, and corporate social responsibility. She has published and presented proceedings at international conferences in Egypt, Germany, and Turkey. In addition to academia, Salma practices Pilates and is passionate about travelling, exploring new destinations, and experiencing diversified cultures.
    Best MBA Programs in UAE
    Ms. Maria Monica
    Associate Head of Quality & Compliance
    Ms. Maria Monica

    Maria is a dedicated academician with over a decade of experience in teaching both postgraduate and undergraduate students. With a robust background in quality assurance and compliance, she has completed her CPD UK qualification in quality management and system auditing, reinforcing her expertise in ensuring academic and operational excellence.

    Previously, Maria served as Head of the Department (HOD) and Controller of Examinations (COE) in renowned universities, her roles underscored her leadership in academic administration and commitment to quality standards. Her professional journey includes experience as an Audit Associate at Ernst & Young, bringing a comprehensive understanding of financial and operational audits.

    Maria specializes in delivering high-quality education in diverse fields such as Forensic Accounting, Green Accounting, Finance, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, and Net Zero Carbon Neutrality. She is actively involved in student supervision for postgraduate dissertations, demonstrating a strong commitment to nurturing future research professionals.

    Her research interests span fundamental in synchronous and asynchronous learning, with notable collaborations with Cambridge University, Harvard Business School, and IIM Ahmedabad on Case teaching methodologies. Maria is passionate about promoting institutional growth through knowledge transfer and professional practices, making significant contributions to both academic and practical spheres.

    In addition to her academic achievements, she is a vocalist and was a national-level hockey player, showcasing her dedication to excellence in both on and off the academic field.

    Online MBA in Dubai
    Ms. Rajashree K.N
    Associate Head of MBA Programs
    Ms. Rajashree K.N

    Rajashree is a seasoned professional with a decade of experience spanning both corporate HR and education. Her corporate journey includes key roles at Nissan, GE, and Standard Chartered Bank. Subsequently, she excelled as a school centre head for over eight years, demonstrating expertise in curriculum development. Currently, she contributes significantly to Exeed College as the Associate Head of MBA programs.

    With a strong foundation in HR and education, Rajashree has developed a specialized focus on behaviour modification and mindset coaching. She is in the process of obtaining Associate Certified Coach certification from the ICF and actively practices leadership, executive, and mindset coaching.

    Rajashree is recognised for her eclectic coaching and teaching approach, with a strong belief in fostering self-efficacy in learning.

    Dr. Noor un Nisa Shahani
    Faculty and Program Leader
    Dr. Noor un Nisa Shahani
    Dr. Noor holds the degree of PhD in Commerce (Management Sciences) from University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan. Her research interest includes Organizational Behavior, Business Creativity, HR Practices and General Management. She has 10 years of teaching experience at University Level. She also holds a high reputation due to her extraordinary contribution in Research and got award for outstanding research contribution in 2021 by Bath Spa University, UAE. As a trainer Dr. Noor has conducted professional trainings on Research methods Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. Where she has had the opportunity to train, interact and learn from highly qualified faculty. She has around 30 national and International research publications.
    Best Business School in UAE
    Shahid Wani
    Senior Faculty
    Shahid Wani
    Shahid holds 8 years of experience in Business and Finance, both industrial and academic. For the first 3 years of his working career, he worked for the British Civil Service in the financial domain. He has also been an active volunteer for an NGO in India, specifically working on social issues like women's empowerment, child education, child labour, and dowry. Shahid started his teaching career as a lecturer in India and has accomplished himself as a valuable faculty in various domains of business management, especially in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Risk, and Banking. He is also well equipped and experienced in business areas like HR, Supply Chain, Operations, sustainability, and so on. Besides he is also an established Trainer with years of experience in the Education & Corporate sector in the UAE & India. He earned his Master’s degree in Accounting & Finance from the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom. Currently, he is pursuing his certification from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) body, UK. He is also a successful diploma holder in the areas of Leadership and Conflict Management. Being a sports enthusiast, Shahid is a State level cricket player and has played across many states in India and local clubs in the United Kingdom. He has won many certifications and awards in various other sports including basketball and hockey.
    Dr. Mark Anthony S. Naval
    Faculty and LJMU Program Leader
    Dr. Mark Anthony S. Naval
    Dr. Mark Anthony Naval is a Ph.D. holder specializing in Philosophy, Humanities, Psychology, Research, Education, Critical Thinking, and Religious Studies. They ensure all institutional deadlines align with Ministry of Education standards. In 2012, Dr. Mark Anthony Naval created a Disciplinary Manual that became the national standard and contributed to the Philippines' K-12 Curriculum. Joining Exeed College in 2022, he led two Master’s Programs and later became the Program Head of the Doctorate in Education, developing course materials and the program handbook. In 2023, he published a paper on AI in Education with Springer. In May 2024, Dr. Mark Anthony Naval was appointed Program Leader for Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.
    Dr. Rekha Shewakramani
    Associate Head of Doctoral Programs
    Dr. Rekha Shewakramani

    Dr. Rekha Shewakramani is a seasoned Human Resource Management expert with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Her research focuses on the correlation between organisational behaviour and employee performance and satisfaction. A distinguished scholar, Dr. Rekha has been recognised with multiple awards for her contributions to HR research and management. In 2019, she was honoured as Researcher of the Year for her impactful presentations and publications.

    With a decade of experience in education, Dr. Rekha began her teaching career in the UAE in 2020. She has successfully trained numerous professionals for UK-accredited certifications and courses. Prior to this, she imparted her knowledge to undergraduate and postgraduate students in India. Her rich academic background, including a gold medal in Master of Business Administration and research published in UGC-listed journals, underpins her expertise.

    Dr. Rekha's diverse roles as a counsellor, trainer, and research fellow have equipped her with a unique ability to blend theory with practical application in her teaching. In 2022, she became an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), UK, further solidifying her position as a leading HR expert.

    Dr. Vivek Mohan
    Dean – Academic and Student Affairs
    Dr. Vivek Mohan

    Dr. Vivek has extensive experience managing multicultural, high-achieving teams in higher education domains related to the Middle East, the UK, and the US in terms of strategy, operations, and delivery. He is the recipient of the prestigious Medici Enterprise Award for commercialisation of research (UK) and various GCC leadership and organization awards. He holds a PhD in Business Management (UK) and an MSc in International Business (UK), a Doctorate in Management (Spain), an M.Phil in Applied Leadership (Spain) and is certified in Block Chain from UCLA (US), education design from UCL (UK), Project Management from CMI (UK) and blended learning from UNSW (Australia).

    He started his career as an operations consultant and has worked in product development and education design. Dr. Vivek has published and presented papers in international journals and conferences across the globe on topics such as Sustainability, Expatriate Performance and Synchronous online learning. With more than fifteen years of experience in both academia and consulting, he has worked closely with several highly regarded American and British universities on international alliances and digital implementation of higher education programs. Dr. Vivek has consulted for the UK Government (Arts Council, England) and held faculty and researcher positions at Sheffield Hallam University, UK and Leeds Business School, UK. Dr.Vivek has consulted and trained for public institutions and MNCs, including the ICC Cricket Council headquarters, PWC Middle East, Petrofac, Sharjah Co-op and WJ Groundwater.

    If you’d like to gain the complete skill set to succeed in today’s business world, this is the area for you.

    Method of Assessments

    Each module consists of 1 assignments

    Entry Requirements

    • Minimum of Bachelor or equivalent overseas qualification.
    • Applicants for whom English is not their native language, nor the medium of instruction of their first degree in approved contexts, must have achieved a British Council IELTS

    Documents Needed

    • Duly filled application form
    • Academic documents (High School / Diploma and Bachelor degree with transcripts)
    • Resume
    • A copy of your passport
    • A photograph
    • Statement of purpose
    • Experience/Employment letter

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