Refund Policy

Refund policy

We always want to ensure that our students receive a rewarding experience while discovering, assessing, and enrolling on our programs. When you join a program offered by Exeed College, make sure you agree to our terms of use and refund policy.

We understand that priorities can change and students can be subjected to extenuating personal circumstances,hence as per our refund policies, all refund requests are reviewed on a case by case basis by the academic committee. All students  should inform their decision to withdraw from a course to the respective Course Administrator/Course advisor via email with the relevant reasons and evidence if any.

  • Registration fee is non – refundable due to the administration and consultation charges incurred by the college.
  • All learners are eligible for a full tuition fee (excluding registration fee) refund before the commencement of classes.
  • Any amount made towards the tuition fee is non-refundable if the request is made after the commencement of classes.